GSA Africa - Ethiopian Startup Awards

Mon Jun 3, 12:00 - Tue Jun 4, 17:00

Entrepreneurship Development Insititue (EDI)


Join the Global Startup Awards Africa at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute in Addis Ababa, for a dynamic two-day experience supported by strategic partners including the Ministry of Labor and Skills, Ministry of Innovation & Technology, and Entrepreneurship Development Institution (EDI).

The inaugural Ethiopian Startup Awards beginning on June 3rd with Ministerial Address and key industry leaders discussion. Followed by evening of recognition and inspiration, where the Ethiopian Regional Finalists will be revealed!

Followed by a day of immersive workshops on 4th June designed to give you real skills to Get SEEN, boost your confidence Get CONNECTED, create useful content to grow your startup to Get FUNDED!

Discover the top startups making waves in the Ethiopian business scene. Network with industry leaders and visionaries shaping the future of technology and innovation in Ethiopia. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and support the growth of the startup ecosystem in Ethiopia. See you there!



  • Registration & Lunch 11:30am (5:30 - 6:30 local time). Please arrive promptly to ensure you are served
  • Access to compound will CLOSE at 13:00 pm (7 local time)
  • All guests strictly seated at 13:30 pm (7:30 local time)


  • Attendance: This is an in-person event only and will not be available online or virtually.
  • Get Directions: Click Here
  • Transportation: Transport to the EDI venue is available for those who require it. Day 1 will end at 19:30 PM (EAT) with cocktail. 
  • Transport will be provided back to the same pick up locations.

Pick-up will be at 11:00 AM (5 local time) from the following locations:



An usher with a branded T-shirt will be in the parking lot of each hotel.