Gain Force for Prosperity – Elevate Your Vibrational Frequency to Manifest Abundance

Sat Jun 1, 08:30 - Sat Jun 1, 17:00

The Capital Hotel Melrose


Have you ever wondered why some people experience trouble, lack and loss and stumbling blocks around every corner, whilst others seem to step into luck and good fortune day after day?


Because your reality aligns with your state of being. How then does one live a beautiful life that was ordained for you (which, by the way, we are all predestined to live)? Align your state of being with the life you want to live!


Come on a Journey with me to align your state of being with the amazing life you want to live.


Come design your future, raise your energy, overcome barriers and align with the wonderful life you should be living. We’ll have coffee and lunch and lots of delightful exercises to map your new life. It will be fun. It will be deep. It is bound to be emotional. But you will tap into ways that will set you up for a whole new life.

Purpose to Prosperity : Chart the Path and Align your Being to your Abundant Future


I invite you to take a day to engage in numerous delightful exercises, meditations and visualisations to come into alignment with what you desire and charter your path to prosperity? This will set you up to step into living the abundant richness of life intended for you - in material wealth, health, emotional well-being and opportunities to experience contentment and joy in every area.


In two independent 1-Day Workshops I aim to provide participants with practical tools, transformative experiences, and a supportive community to empower them in aligning with their prosperous selves, healing from within, and raising their energy to allow their ideal rich lives to become a reality. Participants will engage in numerous delightful exercises, meditations, visualisations, energy work, Quantum Jumping and more to :

Elevate Your Vibrational Frequency: The Path to Manifest Abundance

1.       Review your prosperity blueprint

2.       Practical strategies for abundance like financial empowerment, 3 Powerful Practices +

3.       Understand vibrational frequencies and how energy alignment scientifically leads to manifestation

4.       Raise your energy and align with the vibrations of your compelling future

5.       Quantum Jumping

6.       And more

Includes : Coffee & Tea, lunch, course material


Gain Force for Prosperity – Elevate Your Vibrational Frequency to Manifest Abundance
The Capital Hotel Melrose
173 Oxford Rd, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196
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