Arise: Children, Church & the Law

Mon Jun 24, 09:30 - Mon Jun 24, 12:00

Event is online


Based on the book handed over to us by the Warehouse Trust, Arise will take church leaders through Children, Church and the Law and why children rights and protection is vital when it comes to working with children.

It is also important that churches are adhering to the law, knowing that predators could be in the church too.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • To equip church workers and/or volunteers with a basic understanding of the rights of children
  • To address what the implications are of the rights of children with regards to their safety
  • To provide a guideline for what Christian Leaders need to know when it comes to the recruitment of volunteers
  • To ensure that there is an understanding as to why a child protection policy matters.

The workshop will be interactive with an opportunity to practice some of the skills learnt while doing case studies and discussions.

The book is available to purchase. 'A Practical Guide for Churches on the Children’s Act and Other Laws Relating to Children ' 200-page A4 full-colour book Cost: Hard copy R380 Pdf R160

Participant stated, "There is so much that I didn't know and knowing the context of South Africa this is vital for all church leaders who profess to care for children."

"Thank you for highlighting the importance of us knowing how to handle difficult situations particularly with children and youth."

We use Zoom for our online training events and you will be sent the link to join the event in your confirmation email once you have booked a ticket. Please check your spam folder if you can't find your confirmation or reminder email from Quicket and email [email protected] if you have any issues logging in on the night. Please note that certain devices require you to have Zoom installed to join the sessions. You can download Zoom from: Ticket sales will be available up until the start of each event.

For more information about Arise - please visit and email [email protected] if you have any questions.