Stef Bos & Luna Paige

Sat Mar 16, 20:00 - Sat Mar 16, 22:30

Adam Small Theatre Complex


Health Promoters Music Night

with singer-songwriters Stef Bos and Luna Paige

featuring guitarist Mauritz Lotz and bassist Schalk Joubert

also with Anjulie Nock on cello and Leon Albertus on accordion

The Health Promoters invite fans of Stef Bos and Luna Paige to a special evening of music at Stellenbosch University's Adam Small Theatre Complex. The evening is hosted in aid of the Health Promoters - a non-profit organization that helps prevent diseases and enhance the wellbeing of the vulnerable populations of the townships through basic health education.

"We believe that health education is a human right, and the foundation of a better life. Ultimately, the goal of our initiative is to prevent unnecessary illness and deaths in the poor and under-served communities in Africa and around the world".

Luna Paige is an ambassador for the Health Promoters. "The Health Promoters is 10 years old this year. Since its inception it has been working closely with its sister foundation in the Netherlands. The Friends of the Health Promoters (Netherlands) have continuously been supporting this organisation. Their financial support has enabled the Health Promoters to steadily grow their project in South Africa. Through this concert we would like to raise awareness among the local communities about the important work the Health Promoters are doing. It is our dream that financial support also come from local soil. It is a great honour to be able to share the stage with Stef Bos and the other talented musicians - even more so to do this for a just cause. What I love about the Health Promoters is that they not only educate, but that they also create possibility. Many health promoters are empowered to join the workforce after completing the Health Promoters programme" says Luna Paige.

Stef Bos het geen bekendstelling nodig nie. Weens sy unieke verhouding met Afrikaans, Suid-Afrika én sy kreatiewe samewerkinge met kunstenaars soos Amanda Strydom, Louis Mhlanga, en Koos Kombuis - is hiérdie Nederlander uiters geliefd in Suid-Afrika. Sy meesleurende stem en sy vermoë om luisteraars met musiek en stories te betower - bly die rede vir sy voortdurende populariteit in Suid-Afrika.

Luna Paige is 'n geliefde liedjieskrywer en sangeres van die Kaap, bekend vir haar soortgelyke vermoë om musiekliefhebbers te betower.

Op sestien Maart is die Adam Small Teaterkompleks 'n plek waar goeie musiek, musikante, stories en intensies op die verhoog rusplek vind. Dit is 'n aand waarop jou kaartjie 'n verskil in iemand se lewe kan maak, en die musiek, 'n verskil in joune.

Kom kuier saam!

Deure open: 19:15

Konsert skop af: 20:00


Pouse van 20 minute
