No under 19s

Let GO - Full Moon Half Day Retreat

Sat Feb 24, 09:00 - Sat Feb 24, 13:00

The Sanctuary


Breathe. Shift. Align.

Join Holistic Alignment Coach, Breathwork Facilitator and Yoga Teacher, Olivia Moon for a soul-nourishing half day retreat at The Sanctuary in Constantia on Saturday 24 February. Be guided on a journey through embodiment-based practices that have been designed to cultivate a shifting, releasing and letting go of stuck energy, patterns and unprocessed emotions, supported by the Full Moon. My intention for this retreat is to guide you through a series of powerful take-home tools and practices that will help you to shift your state, align with your most authentic self and show up in the world more whole, happy and embodied.

We will begin the day with an intention setting opening circle, before moving into an energy-shifting yoga flow. We will then ground our energy and knowledge through an understanding of the nervous system, as well as be guided through powerful somatic practices you can use to regulate your nervous system on a daily basis. We’ll then take some time to pause, reflect and journal, while enjoying the exquisite natural surrounds at the Sanctuary. You will then be taken on a Conscious Breathwork Journey, Guided Visualisation and Releasing Practice, followed by a healing Sound Bath to fully align to your new vibration and integrate the insights of the day. We will end with Olivia’s famous Moonmilk to soothe and nourish, as well as a sharing circle. 

Full Moons are a time when we release and let go of all that doesn’t serve, in order to create space for all we are calling in. Through shedding the layers that block our authentic light from shining and taking the lead, we allow in the guidance needed to continuously evolve into our highest and fullest expression. The unconditioned self that we already are. 

The Day will Include:

  • ‘Ground into Your Authenticity’ Nervous System Regulation Workshop 
  • Conscious Breathwork Journey, Guided Visualisation & Sound Bath 
  • Energy-shifting Yoga Flow 
  • Take-home Tools and Practices to Integrate into your Life 
  • Time to rest and reflect within nature 
  • Opportunity to connect with like-hearted humans 
  • Light Post-Yoga Snack and Smoothie
  • Grounding Moonmilk to end the Day 

Space is limited. R770 per person.

A preparation email will be sent before the time. For any questions, please email me [email protected]

About Olivia Moon

Olivia is a Holistic Wellness Coach, Conscious Breathwork facilitator and Yoga teacher (550 -RYT) at Bodhi Khaya Nature Retreat. She is committed to helping people step into their fullest potential, connect to their purpose, break through self limiting beliefs and align with their highest, most authentic self. Olivia is passionate about sharing the power of the breath and how, in its simplicity it can change our lives, if we know how to use it. She believes that our breath is our connection to the universe, it is the bridge between the spiritual and physical. When we cross this bridge using the breath, we are able to access our true essence, waiting to be expressed. Read more at


Let GO - Full Moon Half Day Retreat
The Sanctuary
24 Belair Dr, Witteboomen, Cape Town, 7800
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