Alpha Course: Got questions about life?
Tue Mar 5, 18:45 - Tue Mar 5, 21:00
Jubilee Community Church
Now more than ever people are asking the bigger questions in life: Why am I here? Why is all this happening? What is my purpose? and What can I do? Join us at Alpha to explore these topics from a Christian perspective.
We have dinner together. Then there is a video presentation on a topic about the Christian faith. We then discuss around our tables what we thought about the presentation. Some people ask questions, some don't; the choice is yours. No one will call on you to answer questions, but if you do have questions about the topic, or would like to share differing perspectives, this is the time.
This year's course is focused on young adults and adults, whereas a Youth version would be hosted on other occasions. If you are 18+ we encourage you to come for the first night to try it out.
Tuesday evenings 6.45pm - 9pm latest
4 x Tuesdays: 5 Mar, 12 Mar, 19 Mar, 26 Mar
Jubilee Community Church, 21 Nelson Rd, Observatory, Cape Town
COST? Free to attend including the dinner. No cost. However, registration via Quicket is essential.
You have approximately 613,200 hours left to live. Why not spend less than 24 of them on what could be your greatest adventure? Join us!