Special: Building a Thriving Workforce in Africa: 2023 Trends and Strategies for Talent Development with a spotlight on South Africa

Wed Dec 6, 10:30 - Wed Dec 6, 17:00

Event is online


Are you ready to take your career to new levels?

Join Pabi Mogosetsi the exuberant former Country Manager of Universum Communication SA, is joining us, bringing with her a treasure trove of expertise and insights in data analytics. In this two-day session, we will delve into the available data on Africa talent and skills and explore how to utilize it effectively, especially in light of brain drain and limited skills at our disposal. Additionally, we will discuss building better workplace cultures and provide insights into our masterclasses at EB Koach, which can help improve attrition, net promoter, retention rates, and save costs.

Understanding the current trends and strategies that support talent development and cultivate a thriving workforce is vital in our quickly changing world, especially in times when we are severely lacking in exceptional people and have a large skills gap.

This amazing event is specifically designed for people just like you, whether you are an HR manager, an important team member, an aspiring People and Culture professional, an ambitious student, a dynamic business owner, or an enthusiastic talent coach or enthusiast. You can't afford to pass up this opportunity!

Join our team today to maintain your competitive edge in Africa's talent market. We'll provide you with the newest tactics and approaches to ensure the success of your team. Join us today to get ready for what's to come.

