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Sunday Sessions with Luna Paige

Sun Dec 3, 19:00 - Sun Dec 3, 20:00



Sunday Sessions with Luna Paige and Michael Bester on guitar

Over the past three months, Luna Paige has packaged her music into three different productions.

Robot.reboot (August), Lady Sings the Blues (September) and Saam (All)een (which was recently seen at the Woordfees). Michael Bester worked with Luna in the show Lady Sings the Blues. In this show, Luna sings songs by blues and jazz legends such as Melody Gardot, Amy Winehouse, Blu Lu Barker, Etta James, Tracy Chapman and more.

She interweaves this repertoire with her own blues and jazz-inspired songs. On Sunday, December 3, Luna will visit Toneelhuis to perform for the second time with Michael Bester. Together they will perform some of the songs from Lady Sings The Blues, as well as favorites from her new show Saam (All)een.

With Paige heading into the studio soon to record two new albums, her performance at Toneelhuis will likely be the last performance of the year before she immerses herself in the creative process within the studio.

Fans can look forward to the launch of her new music in March 2024, before she heads overseas for a year.

Michael Bester is a renowned guitarist with a strong jazz background. His guitar playing is versatile which ensures that he can make a name for himself in any genre. He plays electric and acoustic guitar and is always a tasteful addition to Luna Paige's musical performances.

Ticket includes a complimentary drink on arrival.


Sunday Sessions met Luna Paige en Michael Bester op kitaar

Luna Paige het oor die afgelope drie maande haar musiek in drie verskillende produksies verpak. Robot.reboot (Augustus), Lady Sings the Blues (September) en Saam (All)een (wat onlangs by die Woordfees te siene was). Michael Bester het saam met Luna gewerk in die vertoning Lady Sings the Blues. In hierdie vertoning sing Luna liedere deur blues en jazz legendes soos Melody Gardot, Amy Winehouse, Blu Lu Barker, Etta James, Tracy Chapman en meer. Sy verweef dié repertoire met haar eie blues- en jazz-geïnspireerde liedjies. Op Sondag, 3 Desember kom kuier Luna by die Kaapstad Toneelhuis om vir 'n tweede keer saam met Michael Bester op te tree. Saam sal hulle van die liedere uit Lady Sings The Blues opvoer, sowel as gunstelinge uit haar nuwe vertoning Saam (All)een. Met dié dat Paige binnekort ateljee toe gaan om twee nuwe albums op te neem, sal haar vertoning by Kaapstad Toneelhuis waarskynlik die laaste optrede vir die jaar wees voor sy haarself in die skeppingsproses binne die ateljee verdiep. Aanhangers kan uitsien na die bekendstelling van haar nuwe musiek in Maart 2024, voor sy vir 'n jaar oorsee gaan reis. 

Michael Bester is 'n gerekende kitaarspeler met 'n sterk jazz agtergrond. Sy kitaarspel is veelsydig wat verseker dat hy homself in enige genre kan maak geld. Hy speel elektriese en akoestiese kitaar en is altyd 'n smaakvolle toevoeging tot Luna Paige se musikale opvoerings.

Kaartjie sluit 'n komplimentêre drankie by aankoms in.


Sunday Sessions with Luna Paige
55 Shortmarket St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000
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