Family friendly

Zumba Dance for Zimele Amputees

Sun Dec 3, 10:00 - Sun Dec 3, 12:30

Herschel Girls Senior School


Zimele is Xhosa for independence. This word is central to what Zimele wants to give its clients. Assisting clients to live as independent a life as possible is the first of our three main objectives. No one ever chooses to become physically disabled. The choice is made for them for a variety of reasons. In that moment, the individual loses the power and agency over their body. A physical rehabilitation journey allows such an individual to take back that power and agency. To achieve this, it requires a team backing the person in that journey. We aim to provide that backing and support through an interdisciplinary team approach. At Zimele we approach a person’s rehabilitation journey holistically, which means a number of health professionals (such as a medical doctor, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a prosthetist and a psychologist) are involved to ensure all aspects of the individual’s life are considered. 

In doing this, we hope to instill a sense of self belief and a return of self-agency in that individual. With self belief, comes the awareness that such individuals are so much more than the disabled part of them and that they have many other very abled parts. This awareness creates the realisation of the potential of their abilities. Zimele’s other two objectives focus on the societal re integration of our clients and support and encourage the economic self-sufficiency of those whose rehabilitation journey we assist. Zimele will strive to achieve these objectives by playing an advocacy role and by encouraging intersectoral collaboration. Zimele will also assist and encourage our clients to understand and rely on relevant legislation and policies, to enhance their quality of life.


"When I get my leg, I'm going to DANCE" Quote from a 2023 Zimele beneficiary

For the Zimele beneficiaries, this is how exciting it is to start the prosthetic fitting and rehabilitation process. Many have waited for years and/or are unable to access prosthetic limbs from government hospitals. For many, it's something they had given up on.

Zimele aims to support amputees with a holistic rehabilitation programme, including psychosocial support in the form of individual and group support, prosthetic fitting and physical rehabilitation - learning to walk again on a prosthetic leg.

While Zimele is fully reliant on donations, this year, for World Disability Day, we want to invite you to join us at our first annual fundraiser! We'll dance together, hear from amputees lived experience, get snacks and drinks from vendors while kids enjoy a fun inflatable obstacle course - all in aid of raising awareness and supporting amputees!

Join us for a fun morning out and help us make more Zimele beneficiaries DANCE!


Zumba Dance for Zimele Amputees
Herschel Girls Senior School
21 Herschel Rd, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708
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