Critical Mass Joburg

Thu Oct 6, 18:00 - Thu Oct 6, 20:00



We doing things a little different here on this side of the world #CriticalMassJoburg is taking place this 1st Thursday of the month.  

This ride is for everybody that can and knows how to ride a bike. It’s a peaceful event. Let’s help one another and be cool and calm as we ride through the City of Joburg.  

Invite your friends that cycle,let’s make a noise and show out. Non-motorised Transport deserves to be prioritised in City Planning. Cyclists need road space too. We need less cars in the

City. We want a walkable City too.  

Note: please bring lights, reflective gear, helmet and a well maintained bike.  

Bicycle Hire Available @mangrovejoburg 


Critical Mass Joburg
2 De Beer St, Johannesburg, 2000
Get Directions