TEDxJohannesburg 2016

Thu Nov 24, 08:00 - Fri Nov 25, 14:00

12-8 Riversands Incubation Hub



If you go with the dominant narrative of news media, you could easily conclude that our final catastrophe is imminent. Sell everything. Get the hell out. Run as fast as possible. This outlook is wired into our DNA. It’s how our species survived the African Savannah. A slight change in posture reveals a more positive reality: our lifespan has doubled in the last one hundred years; the cost of living has decreased many times over; more people can read and write than ever before; and we’re living in the most peaceful time in the history of humanity—fact. Furthermore, thanks to the power of exponential growth, the 21st Century has introduced us to the most awesome tools of wealth creation—mind-blowing technologies that will radically transform every aspect of our lives. For the first time, total eradication of poverty is a plausible possibility.

This is an extraordinary time. We’re living in the age of unprecedented abundance.


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Borrowing from multiple genres, including jazz, Leomile’s African folk music is a modern sound infused with curious mysticism and storytelling. Originally from the mountain kingdom of Lesotho, her music tells the story of Africa’s challenging past and, exciting future. A soulful songstress, she incorporates spoken word elements into her spellbinding performances.

Twitter: @leomile  | Web:


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Akiva Beebe
Leadership Guru

Akiva Beebe is the director of business development for Center for Creative Leadership, in Sub-Saharan Africa. He works with CEOs and senior executives of Fortune 500 organizations to solve highly complex challenges in a radically changing environment. He is passionate about unlocking latent economic and human potential in emerging markets—by shifting limiting beliefs, thoughts and behaviours of leaders. He is currently testing breakthrough models and capabilities that can accelerate success in volatile markets.

Twitter: @akivabeebe | LinkedIn: Akiva Beebe | Web:
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Ayabonga Cawe
Development Economist

Ayabonga is a development economist, speaker, columnist, activist and photographer. His interests lie at the intersection of identity, power, race, policy and economics. He is co-founder of youth policy advisory and advocacy organisation Rethink Africa. He served on the National Minimum Wage Advisory Panel set up by NEDLAC and the deputy president of South Africa, and has completed a wide array of research and consultancy work on issues spanning from urban design to financial inclusion.

Twitter: @aycawe | LinkedIn: Ayabonga Cawe | Web:
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Arthur Goldstuck
Tech Journalist

Arthur Goldstuck is CEO of World Wide Worx, South Africa's leading independent technology market research organisation. He developed the first South African benchmarks for website strategy, and has represented South Africa as a judge for events ranging from the International Advertising Festival in Cannes to the Global Mobile Awards at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. World Wide Worx research is used by international, regional, and local organisations, including corporations and universities.

Twitter: @art2gee| LinkedIn: Arthur Goldstuck | Web:
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Mthetho Tshemese
Clinical Psychologist

Mthetho Tshemese is a clinical psychologist currently in private practice, SANAC board member, a Clinton Democracy Fellow, social commentator and expert panellist.  He believes in the broader relevance and availability of professional psychological services to marginalized and vulnerable communities.  His interests are reconciliation, identity, healthy masculinity, racism and social justice.  Mthetho is the director for several ongoing creative endeavours to promote healing through music.

Twitter: @VillageShrink | LinkedIn: Mthetho Tshemese
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Lionel Bisschoff
Serial Entrepreneur, Visionary

Besides being an entrepreneur, Lionel Bisschoff is also an author, speaker, consultant and coach. His work focuses on South African and global society’s journey to the knowledge worker economy, and beyond. In the course of that work, he has founded multiple organisations: an Agile and Lean training and consulting company, a collaborative social platform, and an artificial intelligence and machine learning organization, amongst others.

Twitter: @LionelBisschoff | LinkedIn: Lionel Bisschoff | Web:


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Angel Jones
Homecoming Revolutionist

Angel Jones has been CEO and founder of the Homecoming Revolution organisation since 2003. She has devoted her life to bringing back home the talents and skills of the people of the continent, wherever they might be in the world. Formerly a non-profit, Homecoming Revolution has recently become a for-profit Pan-African recruitment firm, specialising in head-hunting and placing global African talent on the continent—probably the first of it's kind in Africa.

Twitter: @angel1jones | LinkedIn: Angel Jones | Web:
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Siphumelele Zondi
TV/Radio Producer & Anchor

Siphumelele Zondi is the creator, senior producer and anchor of Network—a technology news programme on SABC News, on DSTV. The show covers technology and social media inventions and innovations from the African continent. He also presents current affairs for Channel Africa Radio, a continental radio station that is also part of the SABC. He has a Master of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies from Sussex University in the United Kingdom.

Twitter: @SZondi | LinkedIn: Siphumelele Zondi
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Thuto Gaasenwe
Spoken Word Poet

Thuto is a 19-year old poet, actress and writer from the North West. She graduated from Mmabana Arts Foundation where she emerged with a number of accolades, including best actress and most outstanding student. She also has two accredited awards, with distinctions, from the Trinity Guildhall College in London. Her work tackles South Africa’s most burning issues, including the politics of race, gender, and poverty. Her poetry has gone viral on the web, reaching national and global audiences.

Twitter: @_ThutoVEN | LinkedIn: Thuto Gaasenwe | Web:
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Bailey Thomson
Education Thought Leader

In her job as SPARK Schools’ Director of School Operations, Bailey Thomson is part of a team dedicated to ensuring that the network's innovative blended learning model delivers high quality education at an affordable cost for all South African children. Her responsibilities include designing and innovating systems and processes that make certain that operations in the network lead to exceptional learner achievement, as well as continued professional development of all staff.

Twitter: @baileythomson | LinkedIn: K. Bailey Thomson | Web:
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Yasaman Hadjibashi
Data & Product Alchemist

Yasaman Hadjibashi leads the innovation agenda for the Barclays Africa Group, including the bank’s accelerator program with Techstars, after having been the first ever Chief Data Officer for the Bank. She joined Barclays after completing her MBA at Harvard Business School in 2010. She led the end-to-end pan-Africa big data transformation, pioneering an internationally award-winning portfolio of data-led products and customer experiences, including Africa’s first ever artificial intelligence–enabled chatbot.

Twitter: @YassiHadjibashi | LinkedIn: Yasaman Hadjibashi | Web:


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Zandile Mzazi
Opera Singer

Zandile Mzazi is a winner of the International prestigious singing competition "LJUBA WELITSCH", held in Vienna, Austria in 2016. A soprano whose voice is recognised for its purity, she was discovered at school at age 16. After winning the Tirisano Schools Eisteddfods, she enrolled at the University of Cape Town where she graduated, cum laude, with a Diploma and a Postgraduate Diploma in Music and Performances. She lives between Vienna and South Africa as a freelance Opera artist in pursuit of her dreams.

Twitter: @gwebityalaMzazi | LinkedIn: Zandile Mzazi | Web:
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Gideon Potgieter
Tech Incubator

Gideon Potgieter is an electrical engineer by training, and an MBA graduate from the Rotterdam School of Management. After years of experience in broadcasting, and a stint at Packard Bell, plus several entrepreneurial ventures here and in the Netherlands, Gideon joined Resolution Circle in 2014. Resolution Circle focuses on technology and product development for other companies. He is responsible for the business development, marketing and sales function of the company.

LinkedIn: Gideon Potgieter | Web:
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Craig Rivett
Tech Evangelist, Social Entrepreneur

Economist turned social entrepreneur, Craig Rivett is dedicated to making cutting-edge technology accessible to all South Africans to help them live safer, healthier and smarter lives. He managed the deployment of the largest public Free WiFi network in Africa and co-authored “Be a Hero: Lessons for Living a Heroic Life." Craig is CEO of Happimo, working with government to deploy software to solve citizen problems, like Namola: a revolutionary “Uber for Police” service used by the City of Tshwane.

Twitter: @CraigRivett | LinkedIn: Craig Rivett | Web:
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Nthabeleng Likotsi
Cooperative Banker

Nthabeleng Likotsi is founder and executive chairperson of Young Women in Business Network (YWBN). She is in the process of starting the first women’s co-operative bank in South Africa. The bank focuses on professionals, entrepreneurs and business people, and has over 250 shareholders that have collectively invested over R2.5million towards its formation.

Twitter: @MissNthabeleng | LinkedIn: Nthabelng Likotsi | Web:
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Charles Savage
Fintech Pioneer

Charles Savage leads the Purple Group—a fintech company and a pioneer in democratising the stock market for all South Africans. He was part of the team that broke new ground in CFD and spread trading in South Africa. In 2000, he led the development of the world’s first fully automated online Spread Trading platform. Charles is the founder of EasyEquities – a platform aimed at democratising the stock exchange, allowing all South Africans to achieve financial dignity.

Twitter: @csavagegt247 | LinkedIn: Charles Savage | Web:
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Johnny Miller

Johnny Miller is a photographer and filmmaker specialising in documentaries. A Code for Africa News Fellow, he is based in Cape Town, and has extensive networks of contemporary African and world issues. His focus is on urban, cultural, and social issues facing humanity in a fast-changing world. He has received worldwide acclaim for his project “Unequal Scenes”, an exploration of inequality in South Africa, via drone photography. Johnny speaks three languages, loves to rock climb, and has a lovely dog named Lion.

Twitter: @unequalscenes | Web:


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Stephanie Cowper
Tech Entrepreneur, Disability Advocate

Stephanie Cowper has channelled her passion for technology and improving the world into accessible technology and global disability advocacy. Her company BeSpecular—often referred to as the Uber for Eyes— connects people who can't see with those who can, and was rated in the Top 10 Start-ups Most Likely to Improve Lives at TechCrunch Disrupt London. Stephanie’s vision is to empower those without one, and to make it easy for willing volunteers to help.

Twitter: @stephcowper_SA | LinkedIn: Stephanie Cowper | Web:
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Nthabiseng Legoete
Medical Doctor, Entrepreneur

Dr Nthabiseng Legoete’s unique primary healthcare model helps to reduce medical bills and to cut down on queues. Based broadly on the Indian healthcare approach, and aimed at underserviced areas, the model relies on technology to provide a paperless system that delivers an efficient, convenient service. Nthabiseng’s self-funded, Dieplsloot-based facility is already attracting the attentions of local and foreign investors interested in taking the service countrywide.

Twitter: @nthabileg | LinkedIn: Nthabiseng Legoete | Web:
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Jason Laing
3D Printing Pioneer

Award-winning Jason Laing’s pioneering efforts in the jewellery industry have helped to make 3d printing systems in the trade user-friendlier and more commercially viable. Since then, he has been instrumental in introducing into the South African medical field breakthrough CAD and 3D printing processes for guided surgical devices and, for both implantable and external prosthetics. Jason has further expanded his specialist scope into areas such as bio-scaffolding and product development.
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Claudine Ullman
Actress, Improvisor, Comedienne 

Claudine Ullman is the founder and managing director of the Jittery Citizens. She is an actress, improviser, stand up comedienne, public speaker as well as expert facilitator. Having completed her Bachelor’s of Arts in Dramatic Arts at Wits University, Claudine travelled widely, refining her craft at top international performance schools. She has received specialist improvisation training at renowned American schools such as the Magnet Theatre, where she trained under Improv guru Armando Diaz.

Twitter: @claudiokkiddo | LinkedIn: Claudine Ullman | Web:
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Jittery Citizens
Improv Troupe

Jittery Citizens brings sharp-as-a-tack, short-form, long-form and Sinpgprov improvisational comedy to the South African stage. Their act is guaranteed to invoke spontaneous laughter from even the most serious audiences. Armed with a slick-hot format straight from New York stages, their shows feature a lineup of talented and quick-witted South African top performers. The ever-growing Jittery Citizen troupe collectively decided on the name because “we feel it is a good description of South African citizens.”

Twitter: @jitterycitizens | LinkedIn: | Web:


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Thu, 24 Nov 08:00 AM - Thu, 24 Nov 07:00 PM


08:00 - 09:00 | REGISTRATION 

09:00 - 10:30 | SESSION 1 

Leomile - Musician, Vocalist
Akiva Beebe - Leadership Guru
Ayabonga Cawe - Development Economist
Arthur Goldstuck - Tech Journalist
Mthetho Tshemese - Clinical Psychologist

10:30 - 11:00 | TEA & COFFEE   

11:00 - 12:30 | SESSION 2  

Lionel Bisschoff - Entrepreneur, Visionary
Angel Jones - Homecoming Revolutionist
Siphumelele Zondi - TV/Radio Producer & Anchor
Thuto Gaasenewe - Spoken Word Poet
Bailey Thomson - Education Thought Leader
Yasaman Hadjibashi - Data & Product Alchemist

12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH  

14:00 - 15:30 | SESSION 3 

Zandile Mzazi - Opera Singer  
Gideon Potgieter - Tech Incubator
Craig Rivett - Tech Evangelist, Social Entrepreneur
Nthabeleng Likotsi - Cooperative Banker
Charles Savage - Fintech Pioneer

15:30 - 16:00 | TEA & COFFEE   

16:00 - 17:30 | SESSION 4 

Johnny Miller - Photographer
Stephanie Cowper - Tech Entrepreneur, Disability Advocate
Nthabiseng Legoete - Medical Doctor, Entrepreneur
Jason Laing - 3D Printing Pioneer
Claudine Ullman - Actress, Improvisor
Jittery Citizens - Improv Troupe

17:30 - 19:00 |  DRINKS & CONVERSATION  



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Fri, 25 Nov 08:00 AM - Fri, 25 Nov 02:00 PM


08:00 - 09:00 | REGISTRATION

09:00 - 10:30 | SESSION 5 

The University – Singularity University Documentary

On a NASA research base in Silicon Valley, there's an organization that's changing the world ... Singularity University (SU). Founded by renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil and entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, with support from NASA, Google, and others, the university brings in some of the smartest students from around the world, and gives them a crash course in the most powerful exponential technologies on the planet. The students are then given a challenge: create companies that will impact a billion people within ten years. The film follows the students and their startups over five years, as they use the support of scientists, astronauts and billionaires in their attempt to make a dent in the universe.

Welcome to the world of The University.

Showing for the first time in South Africa, in aTEDxJohannesburg exclusive, the film features a delightfully geeky cast that includes Stephen Hawking, Buzz Aldrin, Shimon Peres, Ashton Kutcher, Will.i.Am, Michio Kaku, and others.

10:30 - 11:00 | BREAK  

11:00 - 12:30 | SESSION  6 

The University of Tomorrow – Panel Discussion

The past two years have seen university students in South Africa taking to the streets in protest against the high cost of university education. Since then, the #FeesMustFall hashtag has become a permanent feature on our Twitter feeds. We are now at the end of the second year of the protests, and there’s still no solution in sight. Why is it so hard to find a way forward on something so crucial to a sustainable future? And are there ideas out there that have yet to see the the light of day?
Solutions to the most stubborn problems often come from unexpected sources.
We’ve put together a multi-disciplinary panel—drawn from both inside and outside the established circles—to explore the following question: how we might reimagine the cost of higher learning in South Africa, and how it’s paid for.

12:30 - 14:00 | DRINKS & CONVERSATION