Atterbury-Paul Roos Musiekfees / Music Festival
Wed Aug 24, 18:30 - Thu Aug 25, 22:00
Stellenbosch Town Hall
Sinopsis /Synopsis:
In 1983 verwerf Coenie de Villiers bekendheid met sy album 'Skoppensboer' en Corlea Botha doen dieselfde in 2011 met haar album 'Wie is ek?'. Tydens die Atterbury-PRG Musiekfees reis Coenie en Corlea saam deur die Wynland.
Coenie and Corlea will be supported by the competent young singers of the Paul Roos Choir and Singing Group. Experiencing a performance by these two seasoned singers, supported by a mass orchestra, a mass choir of 500 children is a once-off treat which promises to impress, captivate and charm audiences.
Verdere inligting / More information:
Kom geniet ‘n heerlike aand saam met Paul Roos, gaskunstenaars Coenie de Villiers en Corlea Botha. Op Woensdag en Donderdag (24 en 25 Augustus) word dié twee sangers, die bekroonde PRG koor en sanggroep begelei deur ‘n massa-orkes van 100 lede bestaande uit die PRG Orkes, die Madelein van Rooyen String Studio, James Town Sounds en die Free State Youth Wind Band.
Some of Coenie de Villiers’s favourite songs will be performed, such as ‘Kringe Om Die Maan’, ‘Desert Conversation’ and ‘Wonder Bo Wonder’. Corlea will perform well-known hits like ‘The Show Must Go On’, ‘Imagine’ and the Afrikaans hit song ‘Grassade’.
'n Hoogtepunt op die aand is die massakoor – ‘n koor van 500 seuns - wat spesiale items soos ‘The Living Years’ en Paul Roos se weergawe van ‘Ireland’s Call’ sal lewer.
Deure open 18:30 en die vertoning begin stiptelik om 19:00.
Doors open at 18:30. The show starts at 19:00.
Kaartjies kos R150pp. Tickets cost R150pp.
With thanks to Atterbury Property and X-Chequer Fund Management.
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