Family friendly

Strategic Business Planning to a 7 Figure Business

Fri Jun 10, 09:00 - Fri Jun 10, 12:00

Aquanzi Lodge


Before you even embark on such a program, perhaps you need to ask yourself a few pertinent questions relating to your business, such as: 

  • Does my business make me as much money as I think it should – or given some changes – it could?  
  • Do I need to have more time – or wish I did?  
  • Do I have the right people working for me?  

 The common reasons businesses fail 

There are essentially three things that all small businesses need to attain and retain to succeed – or even survive. These are:  

  • Good management of time and money. Are you finding that you are spending more time working in your business instead of ‘on it? Apart from managing your time efficiently, you need to ensure you manage your money effectively. Cash flow issues have killed many small businesses.  
  • Having great people and retaining them. Are you able to successfully recruit, train, motivate and retain the right people for your business?  
  • Marketing should always be yielding great results and never feel like it’s just a useless practice. It should be a good investment that results in ROI for your business. 


If you would like to improve in the above-mentioned areas in your business – the ActionCOACH 6 Steps program is for you! The entire course is comprehensive and goes into great detail, but in essence, the 6 Steps are simple steps that any businessman or businesswoman can master with a little help.

Below are brief descriptions of each step:

Step 1 – Mastery

This is essentially about mastering the basics of business and eliminating chaos in our lives and our businesses. No positive path can be set with boulders in our path, and understanding why they are there in the first place. The key elements to mastering and fully understanding our business are destination mastery; money mastery; delivery mastery; and time mastery. 

Step 2 – Niche 

Establishing and leveraging what is unique about your business. Stability is focussed on as well as having a predictable cash flow.  

Step 3 – Leverage   

Leveraging is about examining the systems that you use, such as improving cash flow, time management, and efficiency.  

Step 4 – Team

All about creating and building the right teams, maximizing their time, and creating a structure for growth. A happy team is filled with productive people! 

Step 5 – Synergy

Creating synergy in all areas of the business. Good management and creating a well-oiled machine are what make businesses run smoothly, thereby yielding better results. 

Step 6 – Results

Personal growth, building new and more businesses, selling at a great profit, or retiring with a passive income. All these are good results of all your hard work.  

Massive results

My clients have dubbed it the “6 Steps To Massive Results” program because of the hugely positive outcomes that resulted in their businesses.  Talk to me and let’s decide together if this is for you and what can best be done for your business, or take my simple assessment. After all, maybe this is the one time you take notice and these 6 Steps set you up for business success!