The Pride Shelter Trust fundraiser

Thu Jun 3, 19:00 - Fri Jun 3, 19:00

Event is online


The Pride Shelter Trust is Africa’s first formal haven that provides short-term accommodation to the LGBTQI+ minority groups during crisis periods. The objectives of The Pride Shelter are to promote human dignity, respect and a sense of personal empowerment among members of the LGBTQI+ community. The Pride Shelter Trust offers accommodation, counseling, wellness and skills development programs for our residents on an ongoing basis. Residents who are accepted at the Pride Shelter follow a rigorous 3-month program which includes mental health, physical health, spiritual, skills acquisition and other course and training to prepare them for reintegration into society. 


We at Keep The Energy have reached out to the shelter, based in Cape Town, and asked what they need the most. The funds raised will be used towards groceries, detergents, toiletries for incoming beneficiaries, electricity purchases, payments of utility bills as well as needed renovations to the premises. This fund, which has been started in Pride month of 2021, will continue into the foreseeable future. If you are able to, please donate towards The Pride Shelter Trust. Any amount is welcome.