No under 16s

Breast Massage Ritual

Sat Feb 27, 11:00 - Sat Feb 27, 13:00

Hout Bay


In-person intimate gathering for women who desire to connect to the deepest parts of their sexuality.

Our breasts are integral to feelings of worthiness and attractiveness and before we get into this post I’d like you to reflect on the following inquiries:

  • Do your breasts repulse you or do you enjoy them?
  • Are you ashamed of them?
  • Has your feminity been abused or rejected?
  • Do you feel you have failed as a woman or a mother?
  • Are you being nourished and cared for?
  • Were your breasts a topic of conversation or a point of ridicule as you grew up?
  • Can you hold and love them or do you avoid touching them?
  • Do they make you feel sexually exposed or insecure?

As women, our breasts are the access organs into our deepest heart space. These are sensory organs. With our breasts, we can sense a simple touch and how to affects our heart – does this person’s touch draw us into deeper affection and intimacy, or do we feel repulsed by their touch?

Are we able to look down at ourselves in total adoration and devotion to the feminine or do we feel avoidant and afraid of our own breasts?

The way we feel about our breasts indicates a great deal in how we feel about our precious hearts. This is also a great indicator of how much we are allowing or how closed off we may be to love and the world within and around us.

They are a symbol of feminity, sexuality, desirability but also mother energy and nourishment. These breasts are constantly spoken about, stared at, groped, exposed, photographed, talked about, and agonized over. They are symbols of sex but also symbols of motherhood, womanhood, and fullness.

Our breasts are a source of nourishment, nurturing, caring, expression of heart – a sacred and very tender place. While they offer nourishment to a new being, they also offer comfort and security.

Through the breasts a woman shares her love, giving a part of herself for the benefit of another. But the job of nurturing does not always come easily, it can also cause guilt and feelings of inadequacy and shame.

There may be a tendency to over-nurture, to keep one close to one’s breast and heart. On the other side of this, there may be a tendency for a woman not to nurture herself, to always put others first, denying any personal need for care and attention. A woman may feel under-nurtured in her relationships, not honored or nurtured by her partner or children, leading her to feel rejected and no longer valued as a woman. All of these internal issues may give rise to serious breast issues such as breast cancer, growths, breast pains, problems with breast tissue repair and formation.


  • Safe and intimate setup for women who are ready to journey into the depths of their heart's pure love and wisdom
  • Opening the ceremony with freshly cooked cacao
  • Traditional Tantric practices following the Yoga of Touch technique (from the tradition of Kashmiri Shaivism)
  • Conversations on tantra and sexuality
  • Wild Woman Breast Oil as a GIFT to takeaway with you (See this oil here: )


Purchase ticket and leave your email address so you receive final details of what to bring and how to prepare