Family friendly

Year End Sanitary Pad Drive

Fri Feb 12, 14:00 - Fri Apr 30, 14:00

Event is online


As we may be aware, many improvised girls & women are unable to access this basic need due to poverty. Many girls also use replacements such as cloth & newspaper due to their inaccessibility to purchase sanitary pads. Most of these underprivileged girls miss school for at least four days each month over menstruation.

Khulisa Mfazi has created this donation page in effort to contribute to the improvement of these young girls’ living condition. We will be working together with Lindiwe Sanitary Pads and therefore, working towards supporting a black woman’s business and helping a girl child with sanitary pads.

A pack of Lindiwe Sanitary Pads is R14,50 and please use this page to donate as little as R14,50 in order for Khulisa Mfazi to purchase these sanitary pads and change the lives of many women. Our target is R1000 which covers 60 packets of sanitary pads.

Please help us reach our target in order to restore the dignity of many young girls