#TechTalkCPT: Tech & Innovation in Art with James Webb & Ralph Borland
Wed Feb 3, 18:00 - Wed Feb 3, 20:00
Space Theatre
February's #TechTalkCPT focus's on Tech and Innovation in Art. Our lovely speakers James Webb and Ralhp Borland will be telling us bout their experience in the industry and work us through their work from concept to exhibition.KAT-O's #TechTalkCPT happens one evening every month, where we bring you the bleeding edge of technology, science and innovation as presented by specialists within a field, accompanied by food, drinks and networking.
James Webb
A South African artist best known for his interventions and installations incorporating sound. Webb also works as a sound designer, curator and teacher. His sound installations place special emphasis on the sourcing and presentation of the sound clips, as well as the social significance and context of these sounds. Often referred to as a "collector of sounds," Webb is interested in the role that aural events play in our everyday life. The physical presentation of the work, including the installation space and the logistics of speakers, are also deliberate choices for Webb. Webb received the 2008 ABSA L'Atelier Award and his work is featured in many private and public collections, including the Iziko South African National Gallery, the Johannesburg Art Gallery, and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum.
Ralph Borland
Ralph is an artist, designer and researcher based in Cape Town. He returned to South Africa in late 2011 after five years in Dublin, Ireland, where he completed a multi-disciplinary PhD in the School of Engineering at Trinity College, Dublin. He did his Masters in the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at New York University from 1999 - 2002, and before that he studied Fine Art (majoring in Sculpture) at the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, 1994 - 1997, where he still teach occasional classes. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cape Town, working on the project Global Arenas of Knowledge which investigates ‘Southern Theory‘. Until January 2014 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, looking at issues around public art and culture, design and activism. His site Objectsindevelopment.net is a home for his PhD thesis and research.
#TechTalkCPT: Tech & Innovation in Art with James Webb & Ralph Borland
Space Theatre
60 Hout St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa
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