Introduction to Producing virtual events
Thu Oct 15, 09:50 - Thu Oct 15, 12:30
Event is online
In this introductory course we focus on the role of a producer in delivering great virtual events.
We consider some of the producing tasks, focusing on Zoom but considering more general implications for producing on other platforms.
Whether you are already performing the role, or a novice, this taster will enable you understand the role of the producer, improve your confidence to play this role and minimize disruptions in virtual facilitation processes.
This 2.5 hour session will cover:
- The role of the producer and the interaction with facilitator before, during and after a facilitation process
- Distributing the producer role across a team during a large event
- How to provide basic technical support to participants, before and during the meeting, including basic adaptations to optimize bandwidth and stability
- "Tweaks" which can be made to the event design to make the producer's role easier and to 'de-risk' the event
- Key features of the Zoom dashboard which have producer implications
- Setting up and moving between breakout rooms?
By the end of this 2.5 hours you will have:
- Experienced and discussed breakout rooms from a participant and producer point of view, and finessed the way in which you set them up
- Developed a repertoire of troubleshooting tips and practices
- Considered the information which should be provided in pre-event briefings
For more information: [email protected]