CANCELLED - Tech Expo Innovators - Durban

Fri Dec 4, 09:00 - Fri Dec 4, 15:30

SU Hall at the Howard College Campus on the UKZN University _ UKZN


The Tech Expo Innovators are aimed at the top 200 IT, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Honours & Masters Students in Gauteng & top 200 Western Cape & KZN, where they will be able to represent their Projects & innovative ideas and findings to the top IT Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Innovators where CIO’s & MD’s & Industry Specialist, Project managers, Private Equity & Venture Capital Companies meet these highly qualified IT specialist & engineers

The Innovative Tech Expo gives the Companies to be the first to view the Universities Innovative projects and to recruit some of the top intellectual students that can flourish in future. It gives entrepreneurs and innovative new ideas of the young and innovative projects are going as most innovations are born out of University projects.

The Tech Expo Innovators are designed to help young inspirational students to be more creative and come up with new innovative ideas that can be used in the commercial world. Students have a chance to be snapped up by the top companies in South Africa. Further to that is an understanding of where new inventions and innovations are heading. You will be able to spot option and where new trends are going!