Online Masterclass

Sat Aug 1, 09:00 - Sat Aug 1, 13:00

Zoom call - Details to be sent via email or whatsapp


You opted to do the brand new Online Masterclass that kicks off with a live Zoom webinar session on 1 August 2020, and someone can join you… 

More about the Online Masterclass:

Aletté has taken this lockdown period as an opportunity to create this new Online Masterclass. Amazing! You will be able to learn everything you would have learned at an in-person Masterclass, in the comfort of your own home! And, it gives you time to properly work through all the theory and really understand it. Because it is pre-recorded, Aletté also had time to go into more depth on many of the things she teaches. This is truly a value proposition.

It is also very important that you should know that EVERYTHING that was going to happen at the in-person Masterclass, will happen here. You will get a full style and colour consultation! How’s that possible you ask? Aletté and her team are creative and amazing and they have come up with very innovative solutions to do all those things. And you can be part of the first group to experience it!

The great news is that your fee will now include one more person of your choosing! And, that second person, can also get access to the Appearance Specialist App for a 50% discount, paying only R250! That is an incredible deal! All we need you to do is register on Quicket for the 1 August event and tell us who you’re sharing your ticket with.

Should you or your friend not be able to attend this event on 1 August 2020, we will make the recording available to you!!!