Bear Essentials Group Coaching
Mon May 11, 06:00 - Fri Jul 31, 09:00
Runner's 5km radius
Lock-down for many of us, was a time of hibernation - a state of inactivity and metabolic depression. If you were an animal, you would have slept through the entire lock-down period, but as humans many of us slept late, ate unhealthy and spend a lot of time in front of the television watching endless series on Netflix. We became more and more depressed and completely lost our appetite for doing any exercise.
Post lock-down, we are now entering a time of isolated exercise. Although the hype of getting out there again is exciting, the true reality is that most of us will drift back into hibernation again. We are not able to find the motivation to exercise in isolation, without our friends and without any goals to chase. Getting up for a run between 6am and 9am will become increasingly more difficult.
During lock-down I managed to put together a group of 15 runners who trained together within their own backyards. We fed of each other’s energy and kept each other motivated. We had a common goal to get through lock-down together. This was a tremendous success in getting the training done.
On the basis of that, I have created 3 training group based on runs per week and mileage per week.
Group 1: Runners doing 3-4 runs per week
Group 2: Runners doing 5-6 runs per week (under 80km per week)
Group 3: Runners doing 5-7 runs per week (over 80km per week)
A basic training program will be sent to each group every Sunday.
There will be a very specific challenge to complete every week.
A whatsapp group and a Strava Club will be created for each group where we can track each other, motivate each other, keep each other honest and encourage each other to meet the goals and challenges of the group.
There is no time for hibernation - together we can beat this isolation.