Random Reality - Gaia


“Since the beginning of time mankind has used music and dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe…. We are using Trance music and the Trance Dance Experience to set off a chain reaction in consciousness…. This is what we call “Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century”. When I come to the party and set up my alter, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the music… The music and the whole party becomes an offering to the Cosmic Spirit… May Lord Shiva, Nataraj, Lord of the Dance come to this place and bless everyone. Then the dancers, the music, the dj, the Spirit, all become One.”

He also answers what a “good party” is like. He describes,

“When, after the Offering, everything starts to move in One Vibration, and it is as if a Cosmic Mind has come over the party and everyone becomes a part of It…. And everything becomes so perfect in the moment that you start to feel chills up your spinal column…. And it continues to be perfect in the moment…. And that feeling continues and intensifies until it feels like a cosmic orgasm!!! And then, in the best parties… Boom! It comes like a supersonic electrical current of Light that flashes through everyone simultaneously! That is when the Seed is planted! It is then up to those who have received it to nourish it and make it grow. In most, it will just disappear as they return to their normal life. But there are a few who will “get it”. ?

Psychedelic trance and its repetitive beats are meant to induce a state of trance in which we go beyond our own individuality. The “I” no longer makes sense in a good psychedelic party. The psychedelic music brings in the cosmic energy to the party and the purpose of a psychedelic party is to become One in the divine ecstasy of union with the cosmic spirit. Psychedelic trance music is a vehicle of transmission of Shakti (Cosmic Power and Grace) into the party scene, to raise the Kundalini of the participants of the trance dance event. ? 

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